I am off tomorrow, and its my last chance to get the last things in boxes and ready for the final part of our move. We are all very excited about it...Bu keeps playing in the empty boxes hahaha. She has created a game, where she will hop into the box and then yowl if we aren't in the room...and then she pops out when we come running and attacks our legs lol. I can tell it thrills her when she surprises us lol.
Its never easy for me, to see the end of Summer...I dislike being cold a lot, so Summer is my favorite season. As Samhain approaches, I am focused on my loved ones who are in Spirit now...and I sense their presence in my life and in my heart. Its comforting, to know that we are still connected. We will be moving most of Friday and Saturday, so after we are done with moving our stuff, I will turn toward my Samhain ceremony and get prepared for our bonfire that we are having with Kit's parents this year...which will be awesome. I took some vacation time, so I will be off for the first week of November...to settle in and get things somewhat together. Hopefully I will also be able to post some new videos from the new place, which will be exciting. I have lots of ideas that are taking form. We are also reworking our budget, so hopefully we will both be able to save some money for the future...and focus on future goals in the coming year.
Kit carved a jack-o-lantern, even though its early lol we both get so excited about Samhain...its the most wonderful time of the year.
Blessings to all,
Alex )O(