Today, my tarot card was the Sun, which was nice since I am just getting over a cold ugh. I think it meant that today would be a day when I continue to heal from it. I had to work today, which wasnt exactley healing, but I could tell I was beginning to feel better...thankfully.
I am off tomorrow, and I plan on spending the day with Bu. Kit has to work for part of the day, but then he will be with us tomorrow evening. Its been over a week since we had a day off together. He works in retail as our schedules are always changing. I mostly do closing shifts now, which has really helped me. Its much better than being jerked around, opening then closing, then a mid shift, then back to opening. Our manager there is amazing.
We are excited that Autumn is coming...even though, Summer is my favorite season...I still love the Autumn as well.
Hopefully I will be blogging here more now...things were so busy for us this summer. Its like they never slow down for a minute and there is never enough time to do everything I want to do.
Alex )O(